Karen has spent her career assisting clients in those areas of law which are particularly personal: succession law and family law.

Her main area of interest is in all forms of estate litigation, especially that which has a commercial or equitable focus.

She also accepts briefs in the area of family law.

Having spent her career in these areas she also recognises the value of alternative dispute resolution and has a particular interest in mediation and collaborative law.

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution, including mediations
  • Commercial
  • Equity – family provision, real property, trusts, wills and probate
  • Family Law and Guardianship, including property and parenting matters

Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation.


George Street Chambers

Level 29, 400 George Street

Brisbane Qld 4000  |  3917 2888

Clerk: Michael Drummond  |  3505 3969

© 2022 Karen Gaston | All rights reserved